Cell: How and by whom was the cell discovered?

Robert Hooke, an English scientist, discovered cells in 1665 while using a microscope to study a thin slice of cork. During his examination, he found that the cork was made up of several microscopic "pores" or "cells," hence the name. However, there is various online tuition for class 9 . Moreover, you can get to learn about cells from class 9. You will study how cells make up an organism's basic structure in online lessons, and that a tissue is a collection of linked cells that cooperate to serve a certain function. Each tissue has a specific function and can be joined together to form organs. However, in class 9 online coaching , you will get the best teachers. Nowadays, many students are enrolled on online tuition, by which they are getting high grades in their exams. Structure of cell The cells, whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic, have some structural characteristics. The cell shares several essential characteristics. There are basically four primary...