What are Crop Production and Management?

Science's field of agriculture is largely concerned with the numerous methods and strategies used to cultivate diverse plant species and care for animals for human requirements. Moreover, this chapter is in the class 8 Science textbook. Students often struggle to understand the concept of crop production and its management. However, they seek online tuition for class 8 because online tutors are well-experienced, most of whom are PhD scholars. They clear every doubt a student has and are available 24 hours. 

online tuition classes

Methods for Crop Production and Management

Crop production and management are crucial for ensuring maximum field productivity. Moreover, you can take class 8 online coaching to understand the crops in-depth. Listed below are the top agricultural techniques for managing and producing crops today:

Preparation of Soil

Before planting, the soil starts loosening and tilting. Ploughs are employed for this. A hoe is used to break up large lumps of soil, if there are any. The soil is aerated during this procedure, allowing the roots to breathe readily. The soil is correctly mixed with the nutrients and minerals, which rise to the top.

Sowing of Seeds

On the prepared land, high-quality, infection-free seeds are gathered and planted. The right depth and separation must be used while planting the seeds. 

Adding Fertilizers and Manures

Compost pits break down plant and animal materials to create manure. On the other hand, fertilisers are chemicals made in factories that contain nutrients for a particular plant. In online tuition for class 8, students clear all their doubts about fertilisers and manures. Students learn about how fertilisers produce outcomes more quickly than manures. They do, however, render the land infertile when used extensively.


For optimum growth, crops need water at regular intervals. Irrigation is the process of providing water to plants. There are various irrigation sources, such as rivers, lakes, and tube wells. Traditional agricultural practices use both people and animals. Moats, chain pumps, dhekli, and rahat are some examples of traditional methods.

Protections of Weeds

Students occasionally have trouble understanding this subject. However, tutors of online coaching classes for class 8 help them understand this topic's basics. Students are taught by online tutors that undesirable plants called weeds coexist with crops. These weeds deplete the crops' supply of nutrients by consuming the nutrients provided to them, stunting their growth. 


The crop is chopped when it is ready for further processing. The act of harvesting is what is being done. Typically, it involves manual labour done with a sickle. Today, crops are harvested mechanically using devices like combine harvesters, which harvest and thresh crops simultaneously.

Here you have it! These are the methods and management of crops that a class 8 student will get to learn. Nowadays, parents prefer online tuition classes more than traditional ones. That's because online tuition tutors are highly qualified and well-experienced. You should get your children a guide like them.

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